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Film Stories issue 22 print edition (February 2021) – now shipping Fashion


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The first issue of Film Stories magazine for 2021. And it s issue 22. And it s jam packed!

Here s what s inside…

Secrets Of Cinema exclusive: Mark Kermode and the team take us behind the scenes of the best film show on television

The huge 2021 movie preview: only thing is, with our preview, it’s all British movies. Loads of ‘em!

Directors who paid for their own movies: if you can’t get a studio to back your feature? No worries. Meet the high profile filmmakers who paid the bill themselves.

Black women on film: a look at how things have got to where they are – and how much further there is to go

Cookery: yep, a cookery page! Make better cinema snacks!

How do you organise your DVD collection? The pros and cons of various methods…

70 years of the X certificate: why it was introduced, and how it affected 1950s UK cinema

Back to back! How the Musketeers movies of the 70s saw two films being made at once – even if nobody told the filmmakers.

Criticising film critics: what does the recent Wonder Woman 1984 review backlash tell us?

Puppets! Saluting the amazing creations for 1980s fantasy movies.

Clive Barker on film: the rocky road to Hellraiser

Oh heck, and so much more. We really hope you like it!


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